类别: ASP教程
select object_name(c.id) as 表名
,c.name as 字段名
,t.name 数据类型
,c.length 长度
,c.prec as 精度
,p.value as 字段说明
,m.text as 默认值
,case when c.status=0x80 then 1 else 0 end 标识
,c.iscomputed 是否已计算该列的标志
,c.isnullable 是否允许空值
,c.isoutparam 是否输出参数
from syscolumns c
inner join systypes t on c.xusertype=t.xusertype
left join sysproperties p on c.id=p.id and c.colid = p.smallid
left join syscomments m on c.cdefault=m.id
where objectproperty(c.id,\'IsUserTable\')=1 and object_name(c.id)=\'dat_deptinfo\'
,c.name as 字段名
,t.name 数据类型
,c.length 长度
,c.prec as 精度
,p.value as 字段说明
,m.text as 默认值
,case when c.status=0x80 then 1 else 0 end 标识
,c.iscomputed 是否已计算该列的标志
,c.isnullable 是否允许空值
,c.isoutparam 是否输出参数
from syscolumns c
inner join systypes t on c.xusertype=t.xusertype
left join sysproperties p on c.id=p.id and c.colid = p.smallid
left join syscomments m on c.cdefault=m.id
where objectproperty(c.id,\'IsUserTable\')=1 and object_name(c.id)=\'dat_deptinfo\'
- 上一篇: 巧用缓存提高ASP应用程序的性能
- 下一篇: 用ASP开发基于浏览器的文档数据库管理软件
-= 资 源 教 程 =-
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