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类别: ASP教程  评论数:0 总得分:0
首先你需要一个数据库放置你的广告,我们共用了2个表: blBanners 和 tblVendors表:
bID - auto number (广告ID)
bBanner - text (图像文件)
bUsedViews - number (# 标准的广告显示次数)
bTotalViews - number (# of impressions the vendor has paid for)
bClicks - number (# 标准的广告点击次数)
bURL - text (网站URL)
bShow - yes/no (用来标识广告是显示还是隐藏)
vID - number (卖主 ID)

vID - autonumber (卖主 ID - 链到tblBanners.vID)
vName - text (卖主的名字)



SQL = "SELECT tblBanners.bID, tblBanners.bImage, tblBanners.bUsedViews, tblBanners.bLastViewed "
SQL = SQL & "FROM tblBanners "
SQL = SQL & "WHERE (((tblBanners.bShow)=True) AND ((tblBanners.bTotalViews)>[tblBanners].[bUsedViews]));"


Now that we have all of the banners that we can display, we need to display a random one. We can do this
by grabbing the total number of banners, moving to the first record, and the moving to a random number,
for example:

Dim rndMax, rndNumber


rndMax = Int(RecordSet.RecordCount)
rndNumber = Int(RND * rndMax)

RecordSet.Move rndNumber

Now that we have moved to our random banner, we now need to display the banner on our page (I am sure you
know how to do that, so I wont bore you with the details). However, Instead of using the banner\'s URL in
the link, we are going to use a redirect page so we can count the clicks. All we need to do is use the
banner ID in the HREF tag, for example:

a href="redirect.asp?ID=<%= BANNER ID %>"

Now that we have the link set up, we can move on to our redirect.asp page. On this page, we are going to
grab the ID that we are passing in the Query String, and grabbing the RecordSet that matches. Once we have
the RecordSet, we can grab the banner\'s URL, increase the Clicks by 1, and send the user to the
destination URL. Below is the code for the redirect.asp page:

If Request.QueryString("ID") = "" Then
End If

Dim varSiteToRedirect, varURLToRedirect

varSiteToRedirect = Int(Request.QueryString("ID"))

SQL = "SELECT tblBanners.bID, tblBanners.bURL, tblBanners.bClicks "
SQL = SQL & "FROM tblBanners "
SQL = SQL & "WHERE (((tblBanners.bID)=" & varSiteToRedirect & "));"

varDatabaseName = "ask_asp_data.mdb"

<!--#include file="common/data_conn_open.asp"-->

If Not RecordSet.BOF Then
End If

varURLToRedirect = RecordSet.Fields("bURL")

RecordSet.Fields("bClicks") = (RecordSet.Fields("bClicks") + 1)

<!--#include file="common/data_conn_close.asp"-->

<% Response.Redirect(varURLToRedirect) %>
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