类别: ASP教程
function shownew(content,ntype)
shownew = ""
if(ntype = 1) then
shownew = shownew &" <TABLE width=100% >"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD width=600 style=\'word-break:break-all\' valign=top>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD valign=top style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
elseif (ntype = 2) then
shownew = shownew &" <TABLE width=\'100%\'>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD style=\'word-break:break-all\' valign=top>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD width=600 valign=top style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
elseif (ntype = 3) then
shownew = shownew &"<TABLE>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=100 valign=top>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=80% style=\'word-break:break-all\' valign=top>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
elseif (ntype = 4) then
shownew = shownew &"<TABLE>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=80% valign=top style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=100 valign=top>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
shownew = shownew & "<table><tr><td style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&content&"</td></tr></table>"
end if
end function
function ShowPic(strng)
ShowPic = ""
ImageUrl= RegExpExecute(strng)
ImageUrls = Split(ImageUrl,"<BR>")
for i = LBound(ImageUrls) to (UBound(ImageUrls) - 1)
ShowPic = ShowPic & ("<a href=\'"&ImageUrls(i)&"\' target=_blank><image src=\'"&ImageUrls(i)&"\' border=\'0\' alt=\'按此在新窗口浏览图片\' onload=\'javascript:if(this.width>180)this.width=180\'></a>")
end function
Function RegExpExecute(strng)
Dim regEx, Match, Matches \'建立变量。
Set regEx = New RegExp \'建立正则表达式。
regEx.Pattern = "(src=)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^\'|s|"&CHR(34)&"]*)(.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"|s|>)?" \'设置模式。
\' regEx.Pattern = "(src=)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^\'| |"&CHR(34)&"]*)(.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| |>)?" \'设置模式。
\'regEx.Pattern = "(s|S)(r|R)(c|C)=(\'|"+CHR(34)+")(w|\\|/|.)+(\'|"+CHR(34)+"| *|>)?" \'设置模式。
regEx.IgnoreCase = true \'设置是否区分字符大小写。
regEx.Global = True \'设置全局可用性。
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) \'执行搜索。
For Each Match in Matches \'遍历匹配集合。
RegExpExecute = values
End Function
function OnlyWord(strng)
Set re=new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase =True
re.Pattern = "(<)(.[^<]*)(src=)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^\'|s|"&CHR(34)&"]*)(.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"|s|>)(.[^>]*)(>)" \'设置模式。
Set re= nothing
end function
function shownew(content,ntype)
shownew = ""
if(ntype = 1) then
shownew = shownew &" <TABLE width=100% >"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD width=600 style=\'word-break:break-all\' valign=top>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD valign=top style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
elseif (ntype = 2) then
shownew = shownew &" <TABLE width=\'100%\'>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD style=\'word-break:break-all\' valign=top>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &" <TD width=600 valign=top style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
elseif (ntype = 3) then
shownew = shownew &"<TABLE>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=100 valign=top>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=80% style=\'word-break:break-all\' valign=top>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
elseif (ntype = 4) then
shownew = shownew &"<TABLE>"
shownew = shownew &"<TR>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=80% valign=top style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&OnlyWord(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"<TD width=100 valign=top>"&ShowPic(content)&"</TD>"
shownew = shownew &"</TR>"
shownew = shownew &"</TABLE>"
shownew = shownew & "<table><tr><td style=\'word-break:break-all\'>"&content&"</td></tr></table>"
end if
end function
function ShowPic(strng)
ShowPic = ""
ImageUrl= RegExpExecute(strng)
ImageUrls = Split(ImageUrl,"<BR>")
for i = LBound(ImageUrls) to (UBound(ImageUrls) - 1)
ShowPic = ShowPic & ("<a href=\'"&ImageUrls(i)&"\' target=_blank><image src=\'"&ImageUrls(i)&"\' border=\'0\' alt=\'按此在新窗口浏览图片\' onload=\'javascript:if(this.width>180)this.width=180\'></a>")
end function
Function RegExpExecute(strng)
Dim regEx, Match, Matches \'建立变量。
Set regEx = New RegExp \'建立正则表达式。
regEx.Pattern = "(src=)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^\'|s|"&CHR(34)&"]*)(.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"|s|>)?" \'设置模式。
\' regEx.Pattern = "(src=)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^\'| |"&CHR(34)&"]*)(.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| |>)?" \'设置模式。
\'regEx.Pattern = "(s|S)(r|R)(c|C)=(\'|"+CHR(34)+")(w|\\|/|.)+(\'|"+CHR(34)+"| *|>)?" \'设置模式。
regEx.IgnoreCase = true \'设置是否区分字符大小写。
regEx.Global = True \'设置全局可用性。
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) \'执行搜索。
For Each Match in Matches \'遍历匹配集合。
RegExpExecute = values
End Function
function OnlyWord(strng)
Set re=new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase =True
re.Pattern = "(<)(.[^<]*)(src=)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^\'|s|"&CHR(34)&"]*)(.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(\'|"&CHR(34)&"|s|>)(.[^>]*)(>)" \'设置模式。
Set re= nothing
end function
- 上一篇: 动态网站首页的静态生成方法
- 下一篇: 让你的WAP网站有更好的兼容性
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