在ASP中过滤用户输入 提高安全性
类别: ASP教程
允许用户输入非法的字符会增加用户导致问题的机会。例如,很多应用程序都能够接受用户在SQL命令里增加的WHERE子句。恶意用户会通过向其输入的信息里增加额外命令的方法,来执行数据库服务器上的代码。例如,他们不是输入“Smith”,将其作为检索字符串,而是输入“Smith\'; EXEC master..xp_cmdshell \'dir *.exe”。
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rst2 As Recordset
Dim strUserInput As String
strUserInput = "Smith\';EXEC master..xp_cmdshell \'dir *.exe"
\'Filter input for invalid characters
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "<", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, ">", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, """", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "\'", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "%", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, ";", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "(", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, ")", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "&", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "+", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "-", vbNullString)
Set rst = New Recordset
rst.ActiveConnection = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=SQLServer;" & _
"Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI"
rst.Open "Select * from authors where au_lname = \'" & strUserInput & _
"\'", , adOpenStatic
\'Do something with recordset 1
Set rst2 = rst.NextRecordset()
\'Do something with recordset 2
在用户的输入中嵌入命令也是攻击ASP Web应用程序的一种常见手法,也叫做跨网站脚本攻击。过滤输入的内容并使用Server.HTMLEncode和Server.URLEncode这两个方法会有助于防止你ASP应用程序里这类问题的发生。
允许用户输入非法的字符会增加用户导致问题的机会。例如,很多应用程序都能够接受用户在SQL命令里增加的WHERE子句。恶意用户会通过向其输入的信息里增加额外命令的方法,来执行数据库服务器上的代码。例如,他们不是输入“Smith”,将其作为检索字符串,而是输入“Smith\'; EXEC master..xp_cmdshell \'dir *.exe”。
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rst2 As Recordset
Dim strUserInput As String
strUserInput = "Smith\';EXEC master..xp_cmdshell \'dir *.exe"
\'Filter input for invalid characters
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "<", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, ">", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, """", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "\'", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "%", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, ";", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "(", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, ")", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "&", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "+", vbNullString)
strUserInput = Replace(strUserInput, "-", vbNullString)
Set rst = New Recordset
rst.ActiveConnection = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=SQLServer;" & _
"Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI"
rst.Open "Select * from authors where au_lname = \'" & strUserInput & _
"\'", , adOpenStatic
\'Do something with recordset 1
Set rst2 = rst.NextRecordset()
\'Do something with recordset 2
在用户的输入中嵌入命令也是攻击ASP Web应用程序的一种常见手法,也叫做跨网站脚本攻击。过滤输入的内容并使用Server.HTMLEncode和Server.URLEncode这两个方法会有助于防止你ASP应用程序里这类问题的发生。
- 上一篇: 将RECORDSET作为XML保存
- 下一篇: 改进 ASP 应用程序中的字符串处理性能
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