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    Table 7-1. Arithmetic Operators(表7-1算术操作符)

example name result
$a + $b Addition Sum of $a and $b.?/FONT>
$a - $b Subtraction Remainder of $b subtracted from $a.?/FONT>
$a * $b Multiplication Product of $a and $b.?/FONT>
$a / $b Division Dividend of $a and $b.?/FONT>
$a % $b Modulus Remainder of $a divided by $b.






$a = "Hello ";$b = $a . "World!";

// now $b = "Hello World!"






$a = ($b = 4) + 5;

// $a is equal to 9 now, and $b has been set to 4.




$a = 3;

$a += 5; // sets $a to 8, as if we had said: $a = $a + 5;

$b = "Hello ";

$b .= "There!"; // sets $b to "Hello There!", just like $b = $b . "There!";




    Table 7-2. Bitwise Operators(表7-2位操作符)

example     name                  result
$a & $b    And    Bits that are set in both $a and $b are set.?/FONT>
$a | $b    Or     Bits that are set in either $a or $b are set.?/FONT>
~ $a?/FONT> Not   Bits that are set in $a are not set, and vice versa.


    Table 7-3. Logical Operators(表7-3 逻辑操作符)


example      name                    result?/FONT>
$a and $b    And          True of both $a and $b are true.?/FONT>
$a or $b     Or?/FONT>    True if either $a or $b is true.?/FONT>
$a xor $b    Or?/FONT>    True if either $a or $b is true, but not both.?/FONT>
! $a        Not?/FONT>    True if $a is not true.?/FONT>
$a && $b    And?/FONT>    True of both $a and $b are true.?/FONT>
$a || $b    Or?/FONT>     True if either $a or $b is true.




    Table 7-4. Comparson Operators(表7-4 比较操作符)

example          name       result?/FONT>
$a == $b Equal?/FONT>  True if $a is equal to $b.?/FONT>
$a != $b Not equal    True if $a is not equal to $b.?/FONT>
$a < $b Less than?/FONT>   True if $a is strictly less than $b.?/FONT>
$a > $b Greater than?/FONT>   True if $a is strictly greater than $b.?/FONT>
$a <= $b Less than or equal to?/FONT>  True if $a is less than or equal to $b.?/FONT>
$a >= $b Greater than or equal to?/FONT>  True if $a is greater than or equal to $b.

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