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如何调出cloudscape数据库的图形管理界面及相关问题你在命令行方式下敲入java COM.cloudscape.tools.cview很可能会出现错误。什么原因呢?第一、你要看看你的jdk版本对不对,是不是1.3.1_02以上或者1.4的。第二、关键中的关键,原来sun的j2ee里的cloudview是不能在他附带的cloudscape4.0.6下工作的(真不知道sun在搞什么东东 :))这里是在ibm网站上的一句原话:The Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition v. 1.3.1 includes Cloudscape 4.0.6 but includes a version of Cloudview which will not function with the 4.0.6 system。所以同志门就自己去下一个吧!

常见错误:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver英文解释:To "find" the missing driver, you need to add to the CLASSPATH the cloudscape jar files RmiJdbc.jar , cloudclient.jar and system/cloudscape.jar which are located  under the directory %J2EE_HOME%/lib/cloudscape/ So, under UNIX you should execute: setenv CLASSPATH .:$J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/system/cloudscape.jar:$J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/cloudclient.jar:$J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/RmiJdbc.jar

under Windows, you should add to CLASSPATH the following %J2EE_HOME%/lib/cloudscape ystem/cloudscape.jar;%J2EE_HOME%/lib/cloudscape/cloudclient.jar;%J2EE_HOME%/lib/cloudscape/RmiJdbc.jar

If you will, you can also look at "cloudscape" command (cloudscape.bat under Windows) what jar files it adds to its classpath.

We\'d like also to give you a hint regarding missing classes. If some class cannot be loaded, even though it should be somewhere, this indicates that the class is not "visible" in classpath for a class loader. To find the class, you should inspect JAR files under lib directory of a Java environment by using "jar -tvf file.jar" or WinZip. For example, to find the driver under UNIX one should execute in the directory $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/system/ the following jar tvf cloudscape.jar | grep JDBCDriver

In particular , the driver class COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver is packaged in %J2EE_HOME%/lib/cloudscape ystem/cloudscape.jar (under UNIX in $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/system/cloudscape.jar)

中文解释:重点是设置对RmiJdbc.jar , cloudclient.jar and system/cloudscape.jar


1.修改完resource.properties,需要重起j2ee server2.使用cloudview时,cloudscape数据库必须关闭,设置完以后再重起数据库3.deploy修改默认SQL的时候,点画面左边的SQL名称,右边出现SQL文,修改完毕之后必须再点一下左边的这个SQL名称,这样表示更新了,如果直接去点别的SQL名称,就会乱掉。看到前面有的哥们儿说改一下就按一下OK,否则会乱,其实不必。5.不知道cloudscape数据库怎么样,反正Oracle中在SQL中不加""就会忽略大小写。比如:select * from employee where employeeID=\'123\'和select * from EMPLOYEE where EMPLOYEEID=\'123\'是一样的,但是deploy时默认的SQL中是有""的,这样select * from "employee" where "employeeID"=\'123\'就和select * from "EMPLOYEE" where "EMPLOYEEID"=\'123\'不一样了。前面有的朋友说字段大小写的问题估计就在此。4.deploy结束之后需要save,否则jsp中输入ID,点submit就会是白板一块。

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