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This tutorial came out of a request from the forum. I was asked if I could make a realistic rope. But it needed to be “coiled up like a cobra” with an end sticking up. I just cannot resist a challenge and this is the result. I present… the “rope charmer”

这个教程是回答论坛里的问题,有人问我是否可以做很逼真的绳子。 而且要象眼睛蛇一样的盘绕在一起,且一端竖立,我实在不能抗拒 这种挑战的诱惑,左边就是结果图。“绳索魔术”

Create a new document. The size here is really important because it will determine the angle of the coil. In this example I used 600x600. Look at the 2 examples at the end of the tutorial, the variation was created on 800x600, notice that the angle is a little wider and less round. Personally I think I prefer the 800x600, but experiment with different sizes and see how you like the results. Create a new layer and choose filter>sketch>halftone pattern. Size =2 (use higher for a higher res image) Push the contrast pretty high

建立一个新文件 注意这里的大小很重要,因为大小决定了线圈的边角。我在这个例子里用的是600*600,我个人更 喜欢使用800*600,但是我想试试不同的大小,看看大家觉得效果如何。 建立一个新的图层然后选择滤镜>素描>半色调 Size=2 把对比度调到适当的位置

Now rotate the pattern by pressing cmd/ctrl+T for free transform and then pulling one of the corners around. (You may enlarge the pattern to fill more of the page if you wish.)


To give a more frayed look add some noise: filter>noise>add noise


Make a selection with the rectangular marquee tool. This will be a strand of rope


Press Cmd/ctrl+J to copy the selection to a new layer. Hide the layer underneath by clicking on the eye icon. Position the rope near the center of the page

按ctrl+J把选区复制到新层中。隐藏刚才的那层(按下层面板上的对应图层的小眼睛就可以了) 把绳索放到差不多中间的位置

Lets make it coil… filter>distort>polar coordinates and choose rectangular to polar.

现在把它变成盘绕的 滤镜>扭曲>极坐标 选取第一项rectangular to polar(平面坐标到极坐标)

Te contrast between the black and white is too strong, lets tone it down a bit by choosing the levels control. Cmd/ctrl+L Move the bottom slider (shown) to the right to tone down the shadows.


Lets add some depth. Press the little “f” in the layers palette to open the layer styles. Choose inner shadow. Use the setting here Also add a drop shadow as shown.

现在我增加些立体感 在图层上选择混合选项(blending option),选择内阴影(inner shadow) 如图调整参数 同样的调整阴影(drop shadow)

Press ok and you will see a realistic loop of rope. Duplicate the layer 4 or 5 times and stack them as shown, we now have the coil.

当你看到一个线圈的时候确定你的混合选项 复制线圈图层4到5次然后微微移动每个图层让他们看起来象盘曲的线圈,如图

Now for the end of the rope: Show the pattern layer again and make a selection and copy it to a new layer just like we did before. (cmd/ctrl+J)

现在开始做线圈的头,把刚才我们隐藏的层打恢复显示然后选择合适的区域 然后复制到新层,就象刚才我们所做的那样(也可以刚才一起复制好,现在再处理)

Rotate the rope 90 deg.


To make it “wiggle” filter>distort>shear Click to add points and drag as shown. Press ok

现在使它弯曲象绳索一样 滤镜>扭曲>切变 添加节点如图调整 确定


Let’s blend it in. Add a layer mask by clicking the new layer mask icon in the layers palette.

现在我们来混合它与刚才的线圈 按下在层面板下方的按钮添加一个遮罩层

Choose a large soft black brush and paint the very end of the rope and notice it will fade smoothly into the coil.

选择一个很大的柔化的笔刷然后在绳索的最尾端使用,注意尾端会很平滑的和线圈融合 自己细心调整可以得到好的效果

To the left is our final rope with a little hue/saturation added to give it a hint of color.


Here is a variation with a wider canvas width and a different hue/saturation value applied. I also nudged a couple of the “coils” so they were not so perfect. This results in a more natural finish. So there you have it “yehaw” round ‘em up cowboy! Have fun with the rope and see you at the café

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